College Website : http://www.champhaicollege.com
1. Pu Challianthuama, V.C.P
2. Pu Lalthanmawia, A.D.C & B.D.O
3. Pu Thanseia, Headmaster, GMHS
4. Pu K. Malsawma, Asst. Headmaster, GMHS
5. Pu Duhvea, Hindi Teacher, Govt. M.E School
6. Pu Lalngura, Accountant
7. Pu Lalbela, VC Member
8. Pu R. Khawbula, Asst Teacher, GMHS
9. Pu Lalsuaka, Town Block President, Mizo Union
10. Rev. Beiseia, Pastor, Presbyterian Church,Champhai.
This meeting gave rise to the formation of College Sponsoring Body/Champhai College Adhoc Committee in which Office Bearers for the year 1969 were selected. They were as under:
Chairman : Pu Challianthuama, V.C.P, Champhai
Vice Chairman : Pu Lalthanmawia, A.D.C & B.D.O
Secretary : Pu Thanseia, Headmaster, GMHS
Joint Secretary : Pu K. Malsawma, Asst Headmaster, GMHS
Treasurer : Pu Duhvea, Hindi Teacher, Govt. M.E School
Financial Secy : Pu Lalngura, Accountant
In this meeting, they discussed about the financial measures and necessary steps to take for the upcoming establishment of college.
After a year had passed, Champhai College Adhoc Committee held its meeting on 6.1.1970 at 6:30 am at GM High School. At this meeting they discussed about the need to organise a bigger and wider meeting which they named ‘Committee Pui’. The place and time for the same was fixed on 10.1.1970 at Gandhi Memorial High School (GMHS). And so, Committee Pui was held attended by 27 Committee members, 6 VC Members from Zote and Ruantlang Grouping Centre, who, in all concordance discussed about the necessary steps and measures to take up in future. After this on 13.1.1970 (Tuesday) at 12:30 pm, calling themselves as Committee of Champhai Public Representatives, they held another meeting which was attended by 12 people. Since the term of the current Office Bearers had ceased, they organised a new election of the same for the new session. The name of the Committee was also changed to “Champhai College Management Committee”. In the election, they re-elected the same Office Bearers of the preceding year as above.
It was decided in this meeting that for Committee members, a number of 50 persons be appointed. But as it was more convenient then, 9 people were first appointed as Committee members whose names are:
1. Pu Ch. Chhunga, M.L.A, Aizawl
2. Pu Lalnghinglova, M.D.C, Aizawl
3. Pu R.T. Thana, Congress Block President
4. Pu Lalthanga, Mizo Union Block President
5. Pu Biaktluanga, Headmaster, Govt. M.E School, Champhai
6. Pu Lalkunga, VC Member
7. Pu Lalbela, Vengthlang, Champhai
8. Pu Lalsuaka, Kahrawt, Champhai
9. Rev. Beiseia, Pastor, Presbyterian Church, Champhai.
This Committee decided that application for the establishment of college be submitted and members be appointed to go to Guwahati and Shillong to take necessary actions. Five persons were appointed for this whose names are:
1. Pu Vanlalhlira, Teacher, GMHS
2. Pu K. Malsawma, Teacher, GMHS
3. Pu R. Khawbula, Teacher, GMHS
4. Pu B.P. Khuma, M.D.C
5. Pu Tlangliana, VCP, Champhai
And so, the application along with the application fee of Rs. 300/- was submitted to the Registrar, Guwahati University on 12.1.1970.
Another meeting was held on 18.6.1970 in which more Committee members were appointed. Their names are listed as under:
1. Pu Chawngzinga
2. Pu Vanlalhlira
3. S.E, P.W.D
4. A.R.O
5. S.P.M
6. V.C.P, Ruantlang
7. V.C.P, Zote
Since the current treasurer, Pu Duhvea had continued his study in Guwahati, Pu Lalsuaka was appointed as the treasurer.
During the time when the application was submitted, it was learnt that for the establishment of college, a sum of at least Rs. 10,000/- was required for Security Deposit plus another Rs. 5000/- for Working Fund. And to procure such a huge amount of money in those days was a complete onerous task for the Committee, as a result of which the much-desired establishment of the college and immediate steps to be taken was also delayed.
The need to establish college in Champhai was long felt by the people since 1968, but due to war in Mizoram (MNF movement) it was not possible to bring it to success. And even after situations got better, financial shortage which was the main barrier for the establishment of college nearly brought the whole idea to an end. This deeply hurt the people of Champhai. While they were in the midst of this financial crisis, Pu Hrangtawna and Pu Lalsuaka had sought every possible means they could to procure the money, for the desire to have a college in their own hometown was so strong in their hearts. It was then decided that one who can donate money upto Rs. 500/- should be given the name of Donor, and there were volunteers who willingly agreed to give. But after this it was felt that the fixation of Rs. 500/- for Doner is too high for the masses. Thus another committee was held on 19.10.1970 at Champhai YMA Hall in regard to this. In that meeting, it was decided that a regular Champhai College Governing Body and those willing to donate without being nominated should donate Rs.200/- and above. During those days it was said that one could purchase a full grown ox or a bull for Rs. 200/- and every Committee member was requested to find at least one Doner each.
On 2.11.1970 the Doners who had donated Rs. 200/- assembled together and elected the Office Bearers of Doners Governing Board. Their names are listed below:
1. Chairman : Pu B.P. Khuma, M.D.C
2. Vice Chairman : Pu H. Lalngura, Accountant
3. Secretary : Pu J.C. Sengluaia
4. Joint Secretary : Pu Thanseia, Headmaster, G.M.H.S
5. Treasurer : Pu Hranga, Primary Teacher
6. Financial Secretary : Pu K. Malsawma, Teacher, G.M.H.S
There were some men who would not mind donating individually for the college and thus bring their name, but the Governing Body had chosen it for the people’s college. And since the amount of the donated funds was still not sufficient, they borrowed some more money from these people:
1. Pu Thangluaia (L)
2. Pu Hrangchungnunga (L)
3. Pu Chalbawiha
4. Pu Darthangvunga (L)
The Governing Board who sat for another meeting on 20.1.1971 had decided to send Pu Vawmsuala to Guwahati to pay Security Deposit of Rs. 10,000/- for establishment of college, and Rs. 300/- for application fee (the fee paid earlier was not valid anymore and therefore had to be newly paid again). He therefore went on 21.1.1971 and submitted the application to Pu A.C Das, Vice Chancellor, Guwahati University. After receiving a letter from Registrar, Guwahati University in which Pu Dutta, Deputy Director of Public Instruction, Shillong was sent to enquire whether college could be established in Champhai or not, Pu Vawmsuala was sent again on 18.4.1971 to bring Pu Dutta and also to have a talk with the important officials.
Hoping that measures could be carried out more faster and because the previous leaders met several problems, the Governing Board on 17.5.1971 held a meeting where they elected new leaders whose names are as under:
1. Chairman : Pu H. Lalngura
2. Vice Chairman : Pu Hangtawna
3. Secretary : Pu Thanseia
4. Joint Secretary : Pu Duhvea
5. Treasurer : Pu Lalsuaka
6. Financial Secy : Pu K. Malsawma
The following people were appointed as Executive Committee Member on 26.5.1971:
1. Pu Hranga 2. Pu Rokunga
3. Pu Saingena 4. Pu Vanbawiha
5. Pu Thangluaia 6. P.A & A.D.C
7. Medical Officer, Champhai.
8. M.D.C Circle V Constituency.
9. M.L.A, Aizawl East Constituency.
10. M.P, Cachar & Mizo District
11. VCP, Champhai 12. VCP, Zote.
13. VCP, Ruantlang 14. Pastor (Graduate degree holder)
The term or duration of these Office Bearers and Executive member was 1 (one) year.
Thus, the awareness of the necessity and benefit to establish a college in Champhai was carried out not only inside Champhai town area, but also in the neighbouring villages through an appeal letter to people to donate more funds, be it big or small. The nature of the appeal letter was formulated in this way:
To Mr/Mrs _________________________________
Dear Friend,
As most of us have already known, we, the people of the eastern part, living in a very remote and isolated place, need enlightenment and upliftment. As such necessary steps have been taken by our leaders to establish a College within this year 1971.
For this eastern college in our hometown, many volunteers have donated a sum of Rs.200, Rs.100, and Rs.50 and so on. Altogether, a sum of Rs.9, 000/- have already been donated.
To open a College, as it is according to the demands and implications of the law, a sum of Rs.10, 000/- has to be mortgaged to Government. Another sum of Rs.5, 000/- is required additionally for Working Capital. Therefore, a minimum of at least Rs.15, 000/- is required. This means that apart from the money that we have at current, we still need Rs.6,000/- more.
For the College to materialize, and we the easterners progress in knowledge and hoping to become learned like other people elsewhere, the College Committee is begging for your humble contribution. It could be in cash or in kind, according to your convenience. They will come on dated _______________ at your place, so it is our sincere hope that you participate in this.
Even if each family contributes Rs.4/- or Rs.5/-, we together can establish a good enough College, where we can have, under our own roof, standard education for our children. It would no longer be necessary to send our children to other states for studies, expending large amount of money, with a lesser money, we can get the equally best education here at our doorstep. Knowing this, we expect everyone for their kind cooperation.
Your ardent and sincere co-worker for the Eastern area,
Dated Champhai Joint Secretary
the___________1971 Champhai College Committee
The Committee had thus taken serious steps in different localities distributing this letter for the success of opening the College. In the end, the following names mentioned were the Doners who have contributed Rs. 200/- and above. Their names were specially carved on a metal plated board and hanged at the College.
Shri: Lalngura Hrangtawna Thanseia
Malsawma Duhvea Lalsuaka
Vawmsuala Saingena Darthangvunga
Khawkhama Thangluaia Pukhuma
Vanbawia C.Lalbela Kawlvela
Saihnuna Daruara Phunzinga
Hranga Bualchhuaka Zaikunga
Khawchhana Damliana Rokunga
Pakunga Roenga Thavunga
Sutliana C.Denghlira Vanthuama
Chalbawiha Thanthuama Vanluta
Thatkhuma Lalruala,
They numbered 35 in all; their contribution indeed stands very remarkable. At the same time, we cannot overlook the many families who had eked out donation below Rs. 200/-. This commemoration is incomplete without mentioning their equally valuable contributions. And thus began the long-awaited establishment of Champhai College on 6.8.1971. Between its very infancy in October, 1969 till the opening of the College in August, 1971, the Managing/Governing Board held 36 meetings.
When Pu Vawmsuala was sent on 18.4.1971 on behalf of the Governing Board to bring Pu Dutta, Deputy Director of Public Instruction, Shillong, the latter was unavailable at that time. But after that Pu Sangliana, Inspector of School, Mizo Hills was sent by Guwahati University to see if the ambience of Champhai was desirable enough for establishing a College. Guwahati University was satisfied with the enquiry report submitted by Pu Sangliana; affiliation was granted in 1971 and thus a permission to start a Pre-University Arts class was granted. In pursuance to this, on 6.8.1971 (Friday) at 4:00 pm, the new College was opened at the extra room of the new building of Gandhi Memorial High School. The inaugural function was not only attended by the students, but people from Champhai, Zote, and Ruantlang flocked together to witness the joy and excitement. In the same year, Pu J.N Neog, Principal, Pachhunga Memorial (PM) College was sent to investigate again the newly opened College. He stayed in Champhai for three days from 27-29 November, 1971. During his tour of inquiry he had seen that the College had passed all the norms and standards set by Guwahati University for an eligible College. As a result of this, having been already passed under Guwahati University Executive Committee No. 9/4/74 dated 30.5.1972, a Temporary Affiliation to open PU Arts courses under the following subjects such as English, Lushai (MIL), Economics, Political Science, and History was granted. After this, Pu Saingenga, Principal, Pachhunga Memorial Govt. College, Aizawl was sent to investigate the College again and his report was graded highly satisfactory by Guwahati University also; following which the Executive Council Resolution No. 133/7/75 dated 25/8/1973 of Guwahati University had granted a Permanent Affiliation under the subjects mentioned above. According to the Bill passed by the Parliament on 19/7/1973, North-Eastern Hill University was established. As the College was a part of this new University, it was affiliated to it on 28/10/1973. After a decade had passed, North Eastern Hill University granted a Permanent Affiliation to the College on 18.1.1986 (Vide letter No.CDC/A/84-85/571 of 18.1.1986). Then after the Mizoram University came into force, Government Champhai College was affiliated again to Mizoram University on 2001.
From the various donations and Govt aided fund the College received such as that in 1971, Adhoc-grants (for maintenance) from February 1973 to February 1978, monthly Recurring Grant of Rs.3000/- in 1973 with an increment of Rs.4000/- from 1974, and to Rs.5000/- from 1975, the maintenance of the College gradually went on against all difficulties. In 1978 it was promoted to Deficit system of Grants-in-aid, which raised the condition in financial aspects too. In 1989, in the 18th year after the establishment of the College, it was Provincialised; along with Champhai College, two more Colleges such as Aizawl College and Serchhip College were also Provincialised.
The governing boards and their members after the establishment of college are as follows :
1. Pu H. Lalngura Chairman
2. Pu Hrangtawna Vice Chairman
3. Pu Thanseia Secretary
4. Pu H.K.L Thanga Joint Secretary (Principal)
5. Pu K. Malsawma Financial Secretary
6. Pu Lalsuaka Treasurer
7. Pu Hranga (Head Teacher) Member
8. Pu Vanbawia -do-
9. Pu Saingena -do-
10. Pu Thangluaia (Kahrawt) -do-
11. Pu Bualchhuaka -do-
12. Pu Rokunga (Vengthlang) -do-
13. Pol. Asst. & Asst. To Deputy Commissioner, Champhai
14. Medical Officer, Champhai
15. MDC Circle V
16. Assistant Revenue Officer, Champhai
17. Village Council President—Champhai, Zote and Ruantlang
18. All Graduate Pastors of Champhai
19. Pu Chalbawia (Kahrawt) 20. Pu Pukhuma (Kahrawt)
21. Pu Damliana (Kahrawt) 22. Pu Khawkhama (Kahrawt)
23. Pu Thanthuama (Kahrawt) 24. Pu Pakunga (Kahrawt)
25. Pu Zaikunga (Kahrawt) 26. Pu Roenga (Kahrawt)
27. Pu Phungzinga (Kahrawt) 28. Pu Darthangvunga (Vengthlang)
29. Pu Lalruala (Vengthlang) 30. Pu Thavunga (Vengthlang)
31. Pu Vanluta (Vengthlang) 32. Pu Sutliana (Vengthlang)
33. Pu C. Lalbela (Vengthlang) 34. Pu C.Denghlira (Vengthlang)
35. Pu Daruara (Vengthlang) 36. Pu Saihnuna (Vengthlang)
37. Pu Kawlvela (Vengthlang) 38. Pu Vawmsuala (Vengsang)
39. Two representatives from Ruantlang Village c/o VCP, Ruantlang
40. Three representatives from Zote Village c/o VCP, Zote
41. Pu Khawchhana (Vengthlang)
42. Pu Thatkhuma (Vengthlang)
43. Pu Vanthuama (Vengthlang)
MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : (this list was submitted to D.E by the Principal, H.K.L Thanga on 28.11.1972)
1. Pu H. Lalngura : Chairman
2. Pu Vanlalhlira : Vice Chairman
3. Pu Thanseia : Secretary
4. Pu H.K.L Thanga : Joint Secretary
5. Pu Lalsuaka : Treasurer
6. Pu Vawmsuala : Financial Secretary
7. Pu Thangluaia : Member
8. Pu Rokunga : Member
9. Pu Lalbela : Member
10. Pu Vanbawia : Member
11. Pu Darthangvunga : Member
12. Pu Saingena : Member
13. Pu Khawchhana : Member
14. Pu Duhvea : Member
15. Dr. Thangdailova : Ex-Officio Member
16. Pu F. Hmingthanga : Ex-Officio Member
17. Tv Vanlalzuata : Staff Representative
Place : Champhai College, Office Building
Date : 26.5.1973
Time : 4:30pm
Chairman : Pu Vanlalhlira, M.L.A
Vice Chairman : Pu Duhvea
Secretary : Pu K. Malsawma, B.A.B.T
Jt. Secretary : Pu H.K.L Thanga/Pu Lalthangfala Sailo
Treasurer : Pu Lalsuaka
Financial Secretary : Pu Vawmsuala
1) Pu Thanseia 2) Pu Hranga
3) Pu Vanbawia 4) Pu Darthangvunga
5) Pu Saingena 6) Pu Thangluaia
7) Pu Lalbela 8) Pu Rokunga
9) Pu Bualchhuaka 10) P.A & A.D.C
11) B.D.O Champhai Block 12) Medical Officer
13) V.C.P Champhai 14) S.D.O (P.W.D)
15) Graduate Local Pastor i/c Champhai
1. Minister i/c Education, Mizoram, Patron of the college
2. M.P, Mizoram
3. Chief Minister, Mizoram
4. V.C.P, Zote
5. V.C.P, Ruantlang
1. Pu Chalbawiha Kahrawt
2. Pu Damliana Kahrawt
3. Pu Thanthuama -do-
4. Pu Zaikunga -do-
5. Pu Hrangtawna -do-
6. Pu PB Khuma -do-
7. Pu Khawkhama -do-
8. Pu Pakunga -do-
9. Pu Roenga -do-
10. Pu Phunzinga -do-
11. Pu Lalruala Vengthlang
12. Pu Vanluta -do-
13. Pu H Lalngura -do-
14. Pu Daruara -do-
15. Pu Kawlvela -do-
16. Pu Thatkhuma -do-
17. Pu Thavunga -do-
18. Pu Sutliana -do-
19. Pu Saihnuna -do-
20. Pu Denghlira -do-
21. Pu Khawchhana -do-
22. Pu Vanthuama -do-
As we have mentioned earlier, the reason that this well established College could stand today was the sole dedication of all these volunteers who had gone up and down through many obstacles. Had it not been for their sheer hard work, there would be no history to write. They deserve to be given high credential and we, particularly of the new generation, should not forget to show our sincere gratitude and respect to them as a mark of honour. The Governing Board, made by Donors who had taken every possible step to bring the establishment of the College to success, took charge of the maintenance of the College till 1.11.1975. After this the Governing Board was appointed by the State Government who continued to take charge in maintaining the welfare of the College.
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