INTELLIGENCE BUREAU (Ministry of Home Affairs)
Government of India
Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade-II/Executive Exam 2017

Name of the post: ACIO-II/Exe
Classification : General Central Service, Group ‘C’ (Non-gazetted, NonMinisterial)
Number of vacancies UR OBC SC ST Total
951 184 109 56 1300
Ex Servicemen : 95 19 11 5 130
Pay scale : Rs. 9300-34800 plus Grade Pay Rs. 4200 (PB-2) Plus admissible Central Govt allowances. [Under revision as per the recommendations of 7th C.P.C.]
Qualifications Essential : Graduation or equivalent from a recognized University.
Desirable : Knowledge of computers.
Age limit : 18-27 years
Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and by 3 years for OBC candidates.
Upper age limit is relaxable for departmental candidates’ upto 40 years of age who have rendered 3 years of regular and continuous service.
The age limit is relaxable up to age of 35 years for general candidates and up to 40 years for SC/ST in case of widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and not remarried.
The age limit is relaxable for ex-servicemen as well as for candidates who were domiciled in J&K from 1.1.1980 to 31.12.1989 as well as the children and dependents of victims of communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat as per the Govt instructions in this regard issued from time to time.
EXAMINATION FEE: ₹ 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only). Only male candidates belonging to General and OBC category are required to pay the fee. All SC/ST and female candidates are exempted from payment of examination fee.
a) Applications should be submitted online through MHA’s website Applications will NOT be accepted through any other mode. b) The application portal will be operational from 12.8.17 to 02.9.17 till 2359 hours. Registration done prior to 12.8.17 and after 02.9.17 will not be accepted.
c) Wrong information in any column may lead to the application getting rejected altogether.
d) The online application is divided into two parts. Part-I relates to the personal, academic and other particulars of the candidate and Part-II relates to the payment of exam fee, wherever applicable.
e) The candidates are required to upload their photograph and signature at the time of online registration (in a single file, the size of which should not be more than 50 KB). Instructions for uploading the single file containing photograph and signature are available on the online application portal.
f) Candidates may ensure that the signature uploaded by them are visible since they (candidates) would be required to append signature on admit cards and attendance sheets during subsequent stages of examination and any variation in signature could render them unfit for the examination.
g) Candidates are advised to submit only one application. Submission of multiple applications may result in cancellation of applications altogether. h) Before submitting the online application, the candidates must preview the application to ensure that they have provided correct information, particularly the email id and uploaded correct 5 photograph and signature. It must also be ensured that the photograph and signature are visible and not hazy/blurred, otherwise the photograph and signature should be uploaded again or the page should be reloaded or refreshed. The online application should be submitted only after ensuring that the information/photograph/signature is correct.
i) The candidates are required to take the print out of the Registration Slip and note down their registration number and Roll Number (as and when allotted) separately for future reference.
j) Candidates are required to possess an e-mail ID valid for 06 (Six) months which is to be entered in the application form at the time of online registration.
k) The registration number, admit card/call letter for Tier-I exam, TierII exam and interview and other information related to the recruitment would be sent to the said email ID provided by the candidates.
l) Candidates are advised to ensure that e-mail addresses ending with are directed to their inbox and not to spam folder or any other folder. They may also check the spam folder for mails sent from the helpdesk e-mail i.e. from time to time.
m)The candidates should possess a facility to take printout of the Challan Form, if required and Registration Slip.
n) The candidate must also furnish one mobile number for receiving SMS alerts related to the exam. o) This office will not be responsible for bouncing of any e-mail or malfunctioning of the mobile phone number given by the candidate.
p) Candidates are also advised in their own interest to keep checking their email (inbox as well as spam folder) from time to time for updates related to the recruitment process.
q) Candidates are NOT required to submit hard copy of their application forms.
r) Candidates are requested to make sufficient number of passport size coloured photographs (identical to the one uploaded) and carry identity proof in original such as Voter Card, Driving License, Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Identity Card issued by University/ College etc. to the examination centre, failing which they shall not be allowed to appear for the examination. The photographs would be required at subsequent stages of recruitment process and pasting/providing a photograph different from the one uploaded my result in cancellation of candidature.
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