Initially, the state Archives was under the supervision of the Mizoram State Museum, Directorate of Education, having a Superintendent and a lone LDC in 1979 (No.ESS.199/78(P)/2 dt.6.3.’79). A Chemist-II post was created in 1982 (A.11013/3/82- EDN/1 dt.23.10.’82), after which the State Government created 7 (seven) other posts - Archivist, Assistant Superintendent, UDC, Binder, Record Attendant, Record Lifter, Chowkidar in 1983 to bring it to a full fledged State Archives (No.A.11313/9/82-EDN/27 dt.12.8.’83).
The Archives was named/entitled ‘Mizoram State Archvies’ on 1.10.’85, the day it became independent from its supervisor, the Mizoram State Museum. Having no place to call its own, the State Archives served the Government in rented Offices at various localities such as Dawrpui Veng and Upper Khatla. The State Archives ever since collected records from the Record Room of Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl District; Assam State Archives, Guwahati; West Bengal State Archives, Kolkata; National Archives of India, New Delhi. Most of the materials from outside the state were Xerox copied. The Archives has a new classified, department-wise records collected from the D.C., Aizawl District, and has done the needful in repairing the old papers. The records from the D.C., Aizawl District are 3,176 bundles in total, and these have been given Indexes. Record Indexes are being printed at the Press, to enable easy location of desired material. Ever since the Directorate of Education has been parted to three new
Directorates, viz. School Education, Higher & Technical and Art & Culture in 1988 (No.A.11013/81/87-EDN dt.3.5.’88), the State Archives remains under the Art & Culture Department with its 15-member staff.
The State Government purchased a building/Office for the State Archives from the Government ‘Capital Project’ in 1996 (No.D.28012/1/93-EDN(AC) dt.29.3.’96) and tended the old building for 2(two) years before the State Archives could finally move in on 26.5.’98. The building at present is still incomplete and needs repairing. As records received have been increasing, the Archives hopes and pray that both individuals and the Government come to realize the significance/importance of record and its preservation.
The records holdings in the Mizoram State Archives begins with 1870 containing the records of the British period various departments throughout the District Council, Union territory and Statehood. Records of the erstwhile British Residency, miscellenous papers records including in Mizo language are also preserved in the Mizoram State Archives.
The School Education Department records accessioned during the year 2004-2005 were 724 files. The following public records (not in series) accessioned to the Mizoram State Archives were 3297 volumes of General Department (1884-1978); Political Department (1870- 1972); Military Department (1890-1978); Police Department (1893-1967); Public Works Department (1888-1983); Municipal Department (1893-1920), Agriculture Department (1891-1920); Education Department (1888-1990); Treasury Department (1891-1959); Census Department (1900-1973); Transaction of Business Rules, 1987 and Allocation of Business Rules, 1987.
5017 volumes of records are kept and arranged in proper sequence in 273 Carton Boxes.
Subject index for all the records is prepared.
Research Room - The Research Room of the Mizoram State Archives is open to the research scholars and other bonafide users on all working days from 09:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.. The Research Room remains closed on all Public Holidays. As the existing building falls ways short of the requirement for separate Research Room, the congested room of the stack area is utilized as Research Room. It has a Conference Hall on the top floor of the building which is very appropriate for seminar and other functions with 200 seating capacity.
The Library collection of Mizoram State Archives was 1,486 and enriched with the addition of 78 nos. of printed books during January to July,2005.
Mizoram State Archives is responsible for the long term preservation of its collections, and for making them accessible to the public. Preservation is a core activity of Mizoram State Archives.
Conservation of Textual, books and visual material. Treatments performed on documents by preservator vary from minimal interventions, intended to make as many possible, to move extension treatments when an item will be used for exhibition, publication or other special use. Activities range from the physical examination of new acquisitions to detailed treatments on single items.
i) Fumigation: Fumigation Chamber, an equipment for fumigating preserved documents and other materials infested with mildew or moulds, or pests like bookworms, with toxic chemical vapours has been procured fromNarang Scientific Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi at the cost of Rs. 6,08,029/- under 12th Finance Commission Fund and has been commissioned by Pu P.C. Zoram Sangliana, Hon’ble Minister for Art & Culture Department on 17th Feb., 2011.
ii) Microfilming : From the conservation point of view, every important document should be microfilmed. Why? It is assumed that under the ideal condition of temperature, pressure and humidity, microfilm can be kept for 500 years. That means any information on it can still be accessed by the user after 500 years. All other information carriers like, paper, CD, DVD etc. are not last long as microfilm. Therefore, here in this Archives, microfilming of Newspaper has started in 2010.
iii) Lamination : Deteriorated Documents are being repaired by using Tissue paper to make them accessible for the public.
Mizoram State Archives provides services to the public who wish to consult the documents of its collection or order photocopies and reproductions.
Research Room: The separate Research Room of the Mizoram State Archives is open to the Scholars and other bonafide users on all working days from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The Research Room remains closed on all Saturdays, Sundays, State and National Holidays.
Research Tools:
Subject index is prepared for all records of our repository. Microfilm reader is also available for accessing microfilms which are available in this Archives. The Original archival documents in the collection of Mizoram State Archives must be consulted on-site. However, Xeroxed copies may be borrowed after taking prior permission of the head of office. Any Scholar who is willing to consult our Records need to register as a research scholar of this Archives. Documents to be produced along with application for registration are-
i) Supporting documents that he/she is doing research on particular subject/topics.
ii) Photo I.D
Photo Copies and Reproductions :
Any documents of our collections are not allowed to reproduce in any form. A photo copy of the required documents may be obtained by taking permission from the Head of office.
Conditions for access to and use of documents :
Documents/Records which are more than 30 years old only are opened to the Public in this Archives.
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