How To Do More in Blogging
1. Untill and unless your address contains "blogspot" you are missed out among professional bloggers, regardless of your hard working contents. So, the next step is to have your domain hosting:
While doing keep in mind:
.com for commercial
.org for NGOs
.in for private and official
.edu for education related
(Popular domains only)
2. Replace readymade template with your own style and design. Do not show any brand/trademark logo/sign in your template. For this consult experts or purchase valid licence. Or you can modify with sufficient knowledge.
3. The above two factors are the sole things for Adsense approval besides rich contents. But chances are also for basic blogging.
If you can't make Adsense Approval or Can't make huge revenue with your ads, talk to me-
Contact: 8638676841 or Mail us At
My Success Stories: I've in-touch with 7 bloggers in Mizoram, Assam, Myanmar, Nagaland, and Manipur. They're now earning. They knew the difference.
Enjoy Blogging!!
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