Khawlailung Village was named by Pasaltha Hatea in 1901. This village is located in the South East of Aizawl and it is 146 Km distance from Aizawl. It is 93°E Longitude and 23°N Latitude and it is in 28 Hrangturzo(ST) Assembly Constituency which is under the district of Serchhip and also under East Lungdar R.D Block.
According to the last census, the population of this village was 2538, among these, 235 people were illiterate and 142 were senior citizen. There are 523 houses in this village and all the people in this village are Christian. It seems that the villagers' food security are quite good and the health condition of the people are quite good, there was no infant mortality for about 3 to 4 years back, leprosy and TB disease was never found. At present, there are 50 pucca houses and 453 semi pucca, and 20 kacha houses in this village.
The main occupations of the people are jhuming cultivation, Sugar cane cultivation and dairy farming. In consultation with the Village Council members, about 95% of the population is farmers and only about 10 to 20 people are in service from the citizen of this village. Sugarcane, rice and orange are the main exports of this village.
The main occupation of the village is farming; about 95% of the people are farmers. The village has YMA Hall, Library, playground, V.C House, Community Hall, MUP Hall, MHIP Hall and five Primary School, four Middle School, one Govt. High School, one PHC, six Anganwadi and one Veterinary Office.
Last year (2012), Khawlailung village exported about 400 quintals of orange, 11 quintals of coffee, 200 quintals of sugarcane and 1500 quintals of ginger. Among these, orange and ginger were exported to other states, coffee were given to the Society and Board for further exports. Sugarcane was exported to Serchhip and Lunglei districts.
There are different development programs in the village, viz.Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP), and Rashtriya Krishi VikasYojana(RKVY) etc.
In 1926, Primary School was established, in 1962, Middle School was established, in 1973 - High School and in 1986, Primary Health Centre (PHC) was established. Primary School Leaving Certificate Examination which was held in 1961, Dothanga stood first in Mizoram. One of the students in Khawlailung village High School who was called Vanlalliani was awarded 'Best Girl' in Mizoram Games. Khawlailung village has two famous Indian footballers named - Jerry Zirsanga and Lalrinfela.
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