mimer mizoram recruitmentApplications are hereby invited for filling up of the following post of Mizoram Institute of Medical Education & Research (MIMIER), Falkawn by means of deputation as per the terms and conditions mentioned below: 

1. Assistant Professor in PB3 + 6000 AGP 
Age Limit: 
i) Below 40 years of age at the time of closing of application. 
ii) Below 45 years of age for candidates who have worked as Senior Resident/ Tutor/ Demonstrator in the concemed subject in a recognized/permitted medical institution fur a period of at least I year after obtaining PG degree before the date of closing of application

Eligibility Criteria: 
1. Officers of the Mizoram Health Selvices with the requisite Post-Graduate qualification in the concemed subject as per the Medical Council of India Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998 as amended from time to time, who have satisfactorily completed 2 years of probationary period in the service. 
2. Desirable: Candidates with teaching experiences in a medical instittrtion in the concelned subiect

2. Seniol Resident in PB3 + 6000 i- AGP 
Age Limit: Below 40 years of age at the time of closing of application.

Eligibility Criteria: Officers of the Mizoram Health Services with the requisite Post-graduate qualification in the concerned subject from an MCI recognized college who have satisfactorily completed 2 years of probationary period

3. Dernonstrators/Tutors in PB3 + 5400i-GP 
Age Limit: Below 40 years of age at the time of closing of application.

Eligibility Criteria: Officers of the MHS with a recognized MBBS degree who have satisfactorily completed 2 years of probationary period

Terms of Reference for filling of faculty post on Deputation in Various departments of MIMER

Click Here To Read Detail Official Notification for MIMER Mizoram Recruitment 2018

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