Director, Mizoram Institute of Medical Education & Research
- Name : Dr. Lallukhum Fimate
- Date of Birth : 1.3.1950
- Place of birth : Parbung village, Churachandpur, Manipur, India.
- Cast : Hmar Scheduled Tribe.
- Educational Qualification : MBBS (Andhra 1972), MD (Forensic Medicine) AIIMS, N.Delhi(1981).
- Fellowship:
- Posts held:
- Awards and Honors:
- Post held in Professional Organizations:
- Post held in Professional Journals:
- Service Experience:
- Experience as a Teacher and Subject Expert:
- Academic Achievements & Research Experiences:
- Contribution in Books:
- WHO Fellow (Canada, U.K., Germany):
- FAIMS (Fellow of All Indian Medicos Society).
- Fellow of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine ( FIAFM )
- Director, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur (from 2003 till June2010).
- Associate Professor and in-charge Head of Forensic Medicine Dept.(1986-1992)
- Professor and Head of Forensic Medicine from 1992 till December 2003.
- Professor And Head, Department of Forensic Medicine, Mujafarnagar Medical College, UP (2010-2011).
- Dean, School of Medical Sciences, Manipur University(2004-2008)
- Senate and Syndicate member, Manipur University ( 2004-2009)
- Member, Constitution of Steering Committee on Secondary and Tertiary Health Care for Eleventh Five Year Plan, Government of India
- Member, Scientific Committee of UNESCO’s Chair in Bioethics ,(2005 till date)
- Member, Medical Council of India
- Member, Ethical Committee of MCI
- Vice President, Indian Society of Toxicology.
- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Medical Society, (indexed in Elsevier, Amsterdam)
- Member, National Committee on Updating Viscera Collection for Toxicological Analysis in medicolegal cases.
- Advisor, UPSC, New Delhi.
- Member, Board of Studies Manipur University since 1986.
- Member, Scientific Advisory Committee of Regional Medical Research Centre, Dibrugarh,( ICMR).
- Member, Court of Manipur University.
- Medico-legal Advisor-cum-Police Surgeon to Government of Manipur.( 1986-2008)
- President, Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. ( 2000-2002)
- NIKATASO MEDAL from Nikataso University, Japan
- Leading Scientists of the world, by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, London
- Bharatiya Shiksha Ratan Award, by Global Society for Health and Educational Growth
- Ramachandra Sai Award, for organizing International Conference of Forensic Medicine, 1998
- Seva Chakra Award, by National Conference on Alternative Medicine in recognition of service to the Medical Profession
- Appreciation letter, from Honorable Union Minister of Civil Aviation, Govt. of India, 1991
- Appreciation letter, from Governor of Manipur,1991
- Certificate of Honor, from Rotary Club, Imphal, 1991
- Outstanding Achievement Award, by Delhi Hmar Welfare Association
- Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Achievement in the field of activity by IIEM, New Delhi
- Gold Medal for Best Outstanding Old-student Award from Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh.
- Excellent Award by Indian Congress of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology in Amity University (October 2008).
- Indo-Nepal Sadbhavna Award by Economic Growth Society of India in recognition of Sterling Merit Excellent Performance and outstanding contribution for the progress of the Nation and Worldwide.
- Best Educationist Award by International Institute of Education & Management, New Delhi.
- International Gold Star Award by the Economic and Human Resource Development Association at the Indo-Thai Cultural meet at Bangkok (2010).
- Rajiv Gandhi Excellence Award by the Indian Solidarity Council for outstanding achievement (September 2010).
- Mother Teressa Shiromani Award by Intellectual Peoples and Economic Growth Association, N.Delhi.
- International Status Award for Individual Achievement at International Summit in Bangkok.
- Live Time Achievement Award from Indian Association of Medicolegal Experts.2016.
- President of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine (2000-2002).
- Vice- President of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine (1988-1990 & 1998- 2000).
- Member, Governing Council of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine 1984-86 and 2002-2004.
- Executive Member, International Congress of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine Experts.
- Founder President of Medicolegal Society of Manipur and held Presidentship for three terms.
- Hon. Secretary, Medical Society, RIMS 1992-93.
- Member, Executive Committee, Medical Society, RIMS.
- Member, Executive Committee, Indian Medical Association, Manipur Branch.
- (Editor, Practical Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, (Guideline for Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Work in India by IAFM), published by Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine.
- Member, International Panel of Editorial Consultant, Journal of Medicolegal Update (an international journal published in Delhi).
- Advisor, Editorial Board of Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology (published in Delhi) 1997-98.
- Editor of 1st, 2nd and 4th Medicolegal Bulletin of Medicolegal Society of Manipur.
- Senior Staff Advisor, Editorial Board, REMEDY for two terms (A yearly magazine published by the SWC, RIMS).
- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Medical Society (an Indexed Journal) published by Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal
- Member, Editorial Board of International Journal of Law and Medicine.

a. Assistant Surgeon Grade-1 from 11-1-1974 to 14-7-1982.
b. Demonstrator, Forensic Medicine, RMC, from 14-7-1982 to 31-12-1982.
c. Assistant Professor, Forensic Medicine, RMC from 1-1-1983. to 3-3-1986.
d. Assoc. Professor and Head, Dept of Forensic Medicine, RMC: 3.3.86 to 28.2.92.
- Professor & Head, Dept of Forensic Medicine, RIMS : 29.2.92 to 21.12.03
- Director, RIMS, Imphal : 22.12.03 till 20-6-2010.
- Medicolegal Advisor-cum-Police Surgeon to Govt. of Manipur (1986-2006)
- Professor & Head, Dept. of Forensic Medicine, Muzaffarnagar Medical College: November 2010 to June 2011.
- Teaching Experience of over 27 years.
- Examiner of MD (Forensic Medicine) and MBBS in the universities of Manipur, Delhi, Calcutta, North Bengal, Gauhati, Dibrugarh and Silchar.
- Drafted syllabus of MBBS and MD Courses in Forensic Medicine for Manipur University.
- Drafted Proformas for medicolegal works of Manipur i.e: forms of Postmortem Examination Reports, Injury, Rape Case, Age Determination, Alcohol Intoxication, Potency etc.
- Subject expert in recruitment of doctors for RIMS, Govt. of Manipur & Central Govt.
- Advisor, UPSC, New Delhi.
- Guide for Thesis for MD Degree.
- Research work on ‘Pattern of Cranio-intracranial injuries in fatal vehicular accidents’ as a Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medicine (Forensic Medicine) at AIIMS, New Delhi.
- Research work under UGC scheme on ‘Radiological Age Determination among Manipuri Girls’.
- Research work under Science and Technology, Manipur, on ‘Detection of Bloodstains’.
- Research work on ‘Detection of Spermatozoa from Seminal stains immersed in water’.
- Scientific Papers Published in various Professional Publications : 55
- Modi's Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology, 22nd Edition, 2000, New Delhi.
- Advances in Forensic Sciences, by M.K.Bhasin and Surindernath, 2001,New Delhi.
- Glimpses on the Cultural and Biology of People of Northern India, by Saratchandra, New Delhi.
- JB. Mukherjee's Textbook of forensic Medicine & Toxicology vol.II, edition, 1999.
- Scientific Papers Presented in various Professional Conferences/
- Scientific Sessions Chaired in various Professional Conferences/
- Guest Lectures Delivered in various Professional Conferences/

Seminars / Workshops : 33
Seminars/Workshops : 25
vii) Conferences/Seminars/Workshops of various Professional
Organisations Attended. : 51
Seminars / Workshops. : 15
Contact : 8131018412
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