The cultural boundary of the people of Mizoram is mainly based on the tribal community who are popularly referred to as the Mizos. Though the Mizo people have lot of influences by the foreign intrusions they still strictly try to maintain their lifestyle and traditional culture without causing any harm to it. As a result of their rich cultural heritage the Mizo people celebrate lot of fairs and festivals. The fact that the Mizo people are so referred came from the term Mizo which can be bifurcated into 'Mi' meaning people and 'Zo' that signifies the hill meaning they hail from the highland. 

The Mizo people take pride in their cultural diversity for though now Mizoram too is moving towards modernization but the state government has ensured that every bucolic hamlet in the state, irrespective of its remote location, is endowed with an YMA (Young Mizo Association). The people belonging to the Young Mizo association take care in maintaining the traditional values and customs to be followed and kept alive by the upcoming generations. 

Traditional Sunday Dress of The Mizos in Mizoram

Mizo Hmeichhe Puan BihLily Lalremkimi Darnei
Mizo Hmeichhe Puan BihMizo Hmeichhe Puan Bih

Mizo Hmeichhe Puan BihMizo Hmeichhe Puan Bih
Mizo Hmeichhe Puan BihMizo Hmeichhe Puan Bih

Mizo Hmeichhe Puan BihMizo Hmeichhe Puan Bih
Mizo Hmeichhe Puan BihMizo Hmeichhe Puan Bih

Mizo Hmeichhe Puan BihMizo Hmeichhe Puan Bih

Mizo Hmeichhe Puan BihMizo Hmeichhe Puan Bih
Mizo Hmeichhe Puan BihMizo Hmeichhe Puan Bih

Dress of The Mizos in MizoramDress of The Mizos in Mizoram

Dress of The Mizos in MizoramDress of The Mizos in Mizoram

Dress of The Mizos in MizoramDress of The Mizos in Mizoram

Dress of The Mizos in MizoramDress of The Mizos in Mizoram
Dress of The Mizos in MizoramDress of The Mizos in Mizoram

Dress of The Mizos in MizoramDress of The Mizos in Mizoram

Dress of The Mizos in MizoramDress of The Mizos in Mizoram

Dress of The Mizos in MizoramDress of The Mizos in Mizoram

Traditional Sunday Dress MizoramTraditional Sunday Dress Mizoram

Traditional Sunday Dress Mizoram

Traditional Sunday Dress Mizoram

Traditional Sunday Dress Mizoram

Traditional Sunday Dress Mizoram

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