The next day, plainclothesmen who were on the lookout for the woman, met
Caroline and showed her the
photo of the abducted girl and
asked her if she had seen her.
When she saw the photo,
Caroline realised that it resembled the girl she had
played with, the previous day.
After the police left, she
went in search of the mysterious girl in the neighbourhood. She finally found her at
one Ramesh Hemram’s
house with her alleged abductor. The woman asked Caroline if the workers who were
constructing a building nearby were still there, and if so,
she requested her to go and
ask for money that they
owed her. At this moment,
Caroline offered to look after the girl while asking the
woman to go on her own.
The woman agreed and left.
Seizing this opportunity,
Caroline carried the girl on
her back and started running
towards her home. Even
though the woman saw her
running and threatened to
throw stones at her, she paid
no heed and continued running. She hid the girl in her bedroom until her parents
informed the police who immediately arrived and took
away the girl.
The woman confessed to
the police that she had abducted the girl from Thualthu
village. She said she was married to K Lalengzauva, who
hailed from Thualthu village,
in May 2018. After staying at
Zuangtui for some time, they
moved to Thualthu village in
August last year.
She told the police that on
Saturday (June 8) night, her
husband and other friends
were drinking. Following a
heated argument, her husband attacked her. When the
police arrested her on Tuesday, the woman had bruises
on her eyes, arms and legs.
The next morning, she
carried the minor girl, daughter of the resident of
Thualthu village, and left for
Aizawl on a truck. She had
been staying at Ramesh
Hemram’s house at Zuangtui when the police came and
nabbed her.
@Correspondent, Assam Tribune
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