Applications are invited from eligible candidates for engagement as Part-time Assistant Professor as follows :
(a) 2(two) posts
in Deptt. of Commerce, Govt. Hrangbana College
(b) 1 (one)
post in Deptt. of Mizo (for Commerce stream), Govt.
Hrangbana College
(c) 1(one) post in Deptt. of Physics, Govt.
Serchhip College
(d) 1 (one) post in Deptt. of History, Govt. J.
Buana College for the Academic Session of 2019-2020.
Application form may be obtain from Higher & Technical Education Deptt.,
Building No. 2, Mizoram New Capital Complex (MINECO), Basement II, room no. 15.
Last date for submission of application is fixed at 16.08.2019
and Personal Interview for eligible candidates shall be held at the
Office Chamber of the Commr. & Secretary, Higher & Technical
Education Department on 26.08.2019 at 11:00 am.
I. Remuneration : Rs. 800/- per lecture or Rs. 32,000/- per month whichever is less.
II. Educational Qualifications: (As per UGC Regulations, 2010)
1) Master's Degree in each field with 55% of marks (or equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Master's level.
2) Possession of NET/SLET/SET Certificates is desirable Preference will be given to local candidates.
III. The application should be submitted to the undersigned along with the following documents on or before 16.08.2019
i) 1 (one) copy of passport size photograph duly attested by Gazetted Officer
ii) Residential Certificate duly attested by Gazetted Officer
iii) Attested copies of all Certificates and Mark Sheets from HSLC onwards
iv) Employment Exchange Registration No. & Date
v) Experience Certificates, if any vi) Attested copy of M Phil, Ph.D. Certificate, if any.
All eligible applicants shall bring original documents on this day.
Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram
Ph. No. 0389-2300326
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