Every author or writer disagree with copypaste and plagiarism. Really, we want to stop people from copying our hard earned contents. Disabling the right click option is one of those things that can definitely come in handy. When you disable the right click, you prevent your visitors from stealing your content by doing the “copy/paste” command, and you also prevent them from viewing your site’s code using the Inspect command. This will also help you in protecting copyright as well as plagiarism.  
Disable Copypaste

The below code disabled Print or Save in all browser and hides your contents:
<!--Disable Print-->
<style type="text/css" media="print">
    * { display: none; }
<!--Disable Print-->

The following code can protect or disable Right Click:
<!--Block Right Click-->
<script type='text/JavaScript'>
//courtesy of BoogieJack.com
function killCopy(e){
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;)
if (window.sidebar){
<!--Block Right Click-->
How to install the codes:  Copy the codes and place inside your theme just below the </head> .  

For Blogger, Step by Step Guide: 
  1. Go to blogger dashboard
  2. On the left side you will see THEME
  3. Click on THEME
  4. Click on EDIT THEME
  5. Search for <head>
  6. Just after <head> place the code. If you need both, you can use it.
I hope this will help you to keep yourself away from unworthy people. If the above codes fail to work, let me know in the cmment section below.

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