This write-up is for bloggers whose account were not approved by Google Adsense for publisher. These days, internet is a place where we spent and earn. So, just a few steps will lead you to get income. Stay with us, I will keep on writing important issues for new start up. This time, we will discuss few about Revenue Hits.
What is Revenuehits ?
RevenueHits is a self-service platform for publishers developed, owned, and operated by the world leading media tech company – Intango LTD established back in 2008. Intango, a private-held company, is a developer and provider of digital advertising optimization and monetization solutions for web and mobile and an ad network operator. RevenueHits' self-service platform is one of Intago's solutions designed for publishers, so they can successfully monetize their digital assets, and get the best value for their ads space.
Why should I join Revenuehits as a publisher ?
With more than 3 billion impressions a day, RevenueHits give you 100% fill rate on all geos.
Based on a huge pool of offers from a variety of advertisers and networks worldwide.
Revenuehits also has an in house advertiser which generates higher eCPMs.
Do I need to have any technical expertise to become a publisher ?
No special technical expertise is needed.
How much will it cost me to use the Revenuehits platform ?
Absolutely nothing! Sign up is free, you can start earning today :
What offers do you promote ?
Most RevenueHits offers are performance based.
There are also CPM offers, as well as CPA offers.
Also we have Self Service for Advertisers, each day hundreds of new advertisers are joining in and fight to buy your traffic.
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