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Young Mizo Association (YMA)
INTRODUCTION: Young Mizo Association (YMA) is a non-political, Voluntary organization, established on the 15th June 1935 at Aizawl, Mizoram. The first Office Bearers of the organization were :President | Rev Lewis Evans ( Pu Niara) |
Vice President | Miss Katie Hughs ( Pi Zaii) |
Secretaries | Pu Pasena & Pu Vankhuma |
Treasurer | Rev David Edwards (Zorama Pa) |
LEGAL STATUS: YMA is an all-India organization with Branches at Mizoram, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura. It is registered under the Societies Act (Act XXI of 1960)
PRESENT SET-UP: Enrolment of YMA members numbered over 2.5 lakh, as on 1.1.1999. YMA has 702 Branches spread all over Mizoram and in the states of Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura. There are 50 Group YMA, which are formed by a number of Branches clubbed together. These Group YMA are formed keeping in view convenience of communication, administration and falling under a compact area, and sharing a common cultural and social features. Sub-Headquarters YMA is established at Lunglei. To co-ordinate the Sub-Headquarters, Group and Branch YMA, there is an apex body called 'Central YMA' with Headquarter at Aizawl, the capital of Mizoram. There are sixteen employees and four Research Scholars under the Central YMA
ACTIVITIES and ACHIEVEMENT: Brief description of the activities and achievement of YMA are as follows :-
- Opening and running of the Adult Education Centres all over the state of Mizoram. YMA has been the chief architect in bringing the literacy rate of Mizoram over 96%, highest in the country.
- Afforestation of the state 'Green Mizoram' Project has been taken up by YMA since 1974. Tree plantation programme is taken up by the YMA Branches during the month of June every year since then.
Construction of houses for the rural poor. In this, there are two types of construction - the first is that if somebody in a village cannot construct his/her own house, members of YMA and the community would help them constructing their house. The other is the houses constructed by YMA on its own or community land. These houses are being maintain by the YMA members and used for accommodating the poor and needy families on a free-rent basis. - Conservation of Mizo Culture and heritage.
- Cleanliness drive and campaign on Health and Sanitation.
- Opening and running of more than 250 Public Libraries all over Mizoram.
- Campaign against the evils of drugs and alcohol.
- Construction of more than 2500 Public Latrines and Urinals in almost all the towns and villages of Mizoram.
- Organising mass participation programmes of Sports, Social and Cultural activities.
- Setting up of Youth Development and Training Centre Zawlbuk Ram) at Thingsulthliah for the youth of the country.
- A highly notable achievement of YMA has been in co-ordinating all the political parties of Mizoram for a free and fair election, peaceful atmosphere and lowering of the election expenditures in the State Assembly and MP Elections.

A monthly journal called 'YMA CHANCHINBU' with over 10,000 copies is being published in Mizo language since October, 1973. And a newsletter 'YMA NEWS' is also published in English.
SPECIAL PROGRAMMES: Amongst the programmes and activities of YMA, the special one has always been, since its inception, helping the poor and the needy. Most important among them is during the occurrence of death in the community. YMA members would make all arrangement in the house so as to accommodate the relatives and friends. They would normally spent a minimum of three days and nights consoling the relatives of the dead. Digging of the graves and burying of the body are done by members of YMA on a voluntary basis - in consonant with the custom and tradition of the Mizos. Most of the YMA Branches have utensils, P.A Set, benches, parachute and other necessary tools and equipment to be used in times of death, wedding, festivals etc.
The current special programme taken up by YMA is regarding AIDS/HIV. Awareness campaign, seminars, publication and distribution of brochure and leaflets about the dreaded disease is taken up throughout the length and breath of the state and among all the youth.
AWARDS AND REWARDS: For various activities and achievement, YMA has been conferred the following Awards :
The current special programme taken up by YMA is regarding AIDS/HIV. Awareness campaign, seminars, publication and distribution of brochure and leaflets about the dreaded disease is taken up throughout the length and breath of the state and among all the youth.
AWARDS AND REWARDS: For various activities and achievement, YMA has been conferred the following Awards :
- Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Award' 1986 by the Government of India'
- 'Excellence Service Award ' by the Government of Mizoram for the three consecutive year of 1988-90.
- 'Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puruskar' 1993 by the Government of India.
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