Please Note the Important Dates (Tentative):
Publication of Short Advertisement in Leading Newspapers 15th September, 2017
Publication of Advertisement in Employment News 23rd September 2017
On line Registration commences from/Payment of fees 15th September, 2017
Last Date for Online Registration/Payment of fees 10th October 2017
Date of Online Examination 18/19th November 2017 (Tentative)
Vacancies & Reservations:
Total No. of Vacancies
SC ST OBC Un-reserved
50 08 04 13 25
PWD vacancies: Of the above, 02 vacancies are reserved for PWD (1 VI & 1 HI). However, OC candidates may apply for the post and they will get the relaxation of age and fee etc.
Abbreviations stand for: UR: Un-reserved; SC: Scheduled Caste; ST: Scheduled tribe: OBC: Other Backward Classes; PWD: persons with disabilities; VI: Visually Impaired, HI: Hearing Impaired; OC: Orthopedically Challenged.
The above vacancies are provisional and may vary according to the actual requirements of the Company at the material time. The reservation under various categories will be as per prevailing Government Guidelines at the time of finalization of results.
i) Candidates belonging to OBC category but coming in the “CREAMY LAYER”, are not entitled to OBC reservation and age relaxation. They should indicate their category as GENERAL.
ii) The category-wise numbers mentioned above are provisional/indicative. The Company reserves the right not to select any candidate from any of the discipline mentioned above. The category-wise numbers indicated above may vary at any stage of recruitment process.
iii) Reservation for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) shall be as per prevailing government rules.
Note: Candidate should apply for any ONE discipline only. Not more than one application should be submitted by any candidate. In case of multiple Applications only the latest valid (completed) application will be retained and the application fee/intimation charges paid for the other motile registration(s) will stand forfeited.
1. Service Conditions: The service conditions will be applicable as per the prevalent rules of the company from time to time. Selected candidates on appointment may be posted or transferred to any place in India as may be decided by the Company. Please note that the Field work in the districts being an essential part of the duty, one has to undertake extensive travel in the remote rural areas on a compulsory basis.
2. Probation: A candidate appointed in the Officer’s cadre on regular pay rolls of the Company shall be on probation for a period of one year from the date of joining of duty. The probation period may be extended by a further period of six months. The company reserves the right to terminate the services of the candidate if found unsuitable at any time during the probation period or the extended probation period without any notice or assigning any reason thereof.
3. Guarantee Bond Before joining as probationer, the selected candidates will be required to give an undertaking to serve the Company for a minimum period of four (4) years including the probation period. In the event of their resigning from the Company before the expiry of the bond period, they will be liable to pay liquidated damages equivalent to one year’s gross salary paid to them. Besides, he/she will have to submit a stamped Bond duly executed by two sureties (not blood relatives), of sound financial standing for an amount equivalent to one year’s gross salary. Candidates resigning from the Company during the probation period and candidates whose services are terminated by the Company during the probation period shall be liable to pay the salary received by them during their entire service in the Company in addition to an amount of Rs. 50,000/- towards partial cost of training. No lien/bond executed to retain a substantive post with present employer will be binding upon the Company and no Leave Salary or Pension Contribution will be made.
4. Emoluments & benefits Basic pay of Rs.32795/- in the scale of Rs. 32795-1610(14)-55335-1745(4)-62315 and other admissible allowance as applicable. Total emoluments will be approximately Rs. 51,000/- p.m. in Metropolitan Centers. Other benefits such as Pension under New Pension system governed by PFRDA, Gratuity, LTS, Medical Benefits, Group Personal Accident Insurance etc. shall be as per rules. The Officers are also entitled for Company’s/leased accommodation as per norms.
5. Education Qualification (as on 01.09.2017) Candidate must possess the minimum qualification as listed in the table below from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by Central Government. Candidates should possess certificate in proof of passing the qualifying examination as on 01.09.2017.
1. Educational qualification should be from a University/Institution/Board recognized by Govt. of India/approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies and the result should have been declared on or before 01.09.2017.
2. Proper document from Board/University for having declared the result on or before 01.09.2017 has to be submitted at the time of interview.
3. The candidate must possess valid mark-sheet/Degree Certificate of the necessary qualification as on 01.09.2017.
4. Percentage marks shall be as mentioned in the final mark-sheet/degree of the university. The fraction of percentage so mentioned will be ignored i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60%.
5. Where CGPA/OGPA are awarded, the candidate will have to produce a certificate issued by the appropriate authority inter alia stating the norms of the University regarding conversion of grade into percentage and the percentage of marks scored by the candidate in terms of norms.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess B. Sc.(Agriculture)/ B.E./ B. Tech in Agriculture Engineering or M.Sc.(Agriculture) for Group A (Agriculture), BE/ B. Tech (Computer/ IT), MCA/ M. Tech. in IT/MCM for Group B (I.T), B. Com/ M. Com or Chartered accountants (ICAI)/ Company Secretary (ICSE)/ Cost and Management Accountant (The Institute of Cost Accounts of India) earlier known as Cost and Work Accounts (ICWAI) or MBA (Finance) for Group C (Finance), Graduation/ Post Graduation in Law for Group D (Legal), B. Sc./ M. Sc. in Statistics for Group E (Statistics), Graduation Degree in Marketing/ Sales or Post Graduation Degree of MBA for Group F (Marketing) & Graduation Degree/ Masters’ Degree in any discipline for Group G (Generalist) with 60% marks (for SC/ST candidates 55% marks) from a recognized university.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on online examination and interview.
Application Fee: Candidates should pay (Non-refundable) Rs. 100/- for SC/ ST/ Persons with Disability (PWD), Rs. 650/- for All other categories through online by using Debit Cards (RuPay/ Visa/ MasterCard/ Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates can apply online through the website / from 15-09-2017 to 10-10-2017.
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