- Publishing Hillsgate Weekly Newspaper in a local Mizo language since September, 2016 from Aizawl, Mizoram.
- Free Online news service through website hillsgate.inand android app ‘Hillsgate’
Education & Career
- Organising Career Guidance programmes, Seminars, Youth Summit, Competitions for Students, etc throughout Mizoram.
- Making ADMISSION HELPLINE for students who seek admissions for various courses in India and abroad.
Employment Service
- Established D.L.Employment Agency in 2014 for the youths of Mizoram. It is an online platform where employers and workers could contact easily. All the registered workers, their status and contact numbers will be posted in the website hillsgate.in and any employers who needs a worker can contact such workers directly. Salaries will be calculated on an hourly basis.
Hillsgate Estate Agency
- Hillsgate Estate Agency is the only platform where properties (land, building, farm, etc) can be sold through online in Mizoram. Property owners and buyers can meet personally to negotiate the price of the properties under the guidance of Hillsgate Agents, and there is no extra charges over the original price.
- Fair Price, systematic and reliable.
Contact Us
Hillsgate Office
Room No. 5, II Floor, MZP Building Treasury Square, Aizawl, Mizoram, India. PIN – 796001 Phone : 0389-2315406 (O)
Mobile : 9612319611 / 8259031226 Website : www.hillsgate.in Email : hillsgateofficial@gmail.com / hillsgateweekly@gmail.com
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