MIZO ARE THE MIZO PEOPLE The Mizo/Zo is a Tibeto-Mongoloid group of people. Our ancestral homeland of the ZO people was around the South-Eastern Tibet and Western China. They speak a common language belonging to Assam-Burma branch of Tibeto-Burman family having affinity with Filipino, Brunei, Malaysia, Thai, etc. both in the language and culture. They form a group of Tibeto-Burman peoples inhabiting the Mizoram state, Tripura State, Manipur State and Chin Hills in Myanmar and Chittagong Hill Track of Bangladesh. They are also recorded as Kuki or Chin-Kuki by many colonial civil servants.

Mizo or Zo is the name of an ethnic group of people that occupy Northwest Burma, Northeast India, and Northeast Bangladesh, they are and normally known as Lushai, Chin and Kuki by the outsiders. However, a single name "Chin" or "Lushai" or "Kuki" has technical limitation within its own context, since the Mizo (Lushai), the Kuki, the Bawmzo and other ethnic groups would not normally accept a single identity collectively. When the British divided the ZO inhabitance with three international boundaries into India, Burma and Bangladesh; the above stated three main distinctive identities submerged, although those given names are not being used locally and unknown to the natives initially. - C. Lalremruata , Director, Zo Indigenous Forum

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Mizo Super Model MizoramMizo Super Model Mizoram

Mizo Super Model MizoramMizo Super Model Mizoram

Mizo Super Model MizoramMizo Super Model Mizoram

Mizo Super Model Mizoram

Mizo Super Model Mizoram

Mizo Super Model Mizoram

Mizo Super Model Mizoram

MIZO ARE THE MIZO PEOPLE ? Popular Mizo Models

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  1. Jesus Christ you're misinformed
    Mahni hnam tal chu hre chiang ila


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