MBSE Results 2020 - Top Schools in Mizoram
Results of the High School Leaving Certificate Examination, 2020 conducted by the
Mizoram Board of School Education in the months of February - March, 2020 are hereby
published with details for the information of the public.
All Principals/Headmasters/Headmistresses of High School Leaving Certificate
Examination Centres are informed to collect the original statement of marks of their candidates
from the office of the Board during office hours.
Results of the unsuccessful candidates are not shown in the Result Book.
who are eligible for compartmental chance are indicated as ‘Eligible for Compartmental
Examination’ with the subject in which they are eligible for compartmental chance shown within
the brackets e.g. C(E), C(M) etc. Detailed programme on compartmental examinations will be
issued later on.
Application for Post Publication Scrutiny and Re-evaluation of Answer Scripts in not more
than two subjects shall be accepted by the Board, if applied as per Board’s rules and regulations
up to 28th May, 2020 (Thursday).
While utmost care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the results and statistics
published herein, any error(s) if detected afterwards, shall be rectified, if justified, as per the rules
of the Board.
AIZAWL - 796012
Dated Aizawl, the 13th May, 2020
Results of the High School Leaving Certificate Examination, 2020 conducted in the months of February - March, 2020 and published by the Mizoram Board of School Education are hereby forwarded for favour of information to :
1. The P.S. to His Excellency, the Governor of Mizoram.
2. The P.S. to Hon’ble Chief Minister, Mizoram.
3. The P.S. to Hon’ble Speaker, Mizoram
4. The P.S. to Hon’ble Minister, School Education, etc. Mizoram.
5. The P.S to Vice Chairman, Human Resources Development Board, Mizoram
6. The P.S. to Vice Chairman, Mizoram State Planning Board, Aizawl
7. All members of Mizoram Legislative Assembly.
8. The P.S. to Chief Information Commissioner, MSIC, Aizawl
9. The P.P.S. to Chief Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram.
10. The P.P.S. to Chairman, Mizoram Public Service Commission, Aizawl
11. The S.O to Director General of Police, Govt. of Mizoram, Aizawl.
12. The P.S. to Vice Chancellor, Mizoram University, Aizawl
13. The P.S. to Controlling Authority, Mizoram Board of School Education, Aizawl
Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, School Education Department.
14. All Deputy Commissioners under Govt. of Mizoram.
15. The Director, School Education/Higher & Technical Education/Art & Culture/SCERT, Govt. of Mizoram, Aizawl.
16. The Director, Information & Public Relations, Govt. of Mizoram.
17. The Addl. Director/Jt. Director, Secondary/Elementary Education, Directorate of School Education, Govt. of Mizoram.
18. The Controller of Examinations, Mizoram University, Aizawl.
19. All Principals of DIET under Govt. of Mizoram.
20. All District Education Officers under Govt. of Mizoram.
21. All Centre Superintendents, HSLC Examination - 1 copy each for publication of the results in his/her Centre.
22. The General Secretary, COBSE, New Delhi.
23. The Secretary, Board/Council of Higher Secondary & Secondary Schools - Assam/West Bengal/Tripura/Manipur/Nagaland/Meghalaya for information.
24. The Station Director, All India Radio/Doordharshan Kendra/LPS Production/Zonet Aizawl - with a request to kindly announce the abstracts of the results as notified in this book.
25. All members of the Examination Committee of the Mizoram Board of School Education.
26. All others concerned.
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