Online applications are invited from citizens of India, Nepal or Bhutan (post wise respective details are available at SI.No. 02 of detailed adver 777/ tisement) for filling up the vacancies of following posts in SASHASTRA SEEMA BAL, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS in the Level-3 (Pay Matrix Rs.21700-69100) (as per 7th CPC) and other allowances as admissible in the Force. The posts are temporary but likely to be continued. Selected candidates are liable to serve anywhere in India or outside the territory of India and will be governed under SSB Act & Rules and other Rules as applicable:
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).
Last Date: 37 Days.
Name of post: Constable
No of posts: 1522
Trade-wise vacancy:
1. Constable (Driver) for male only: 574
2. Constable (Laboratory Assistant): 21
3. Constable (Veterinary): 161
4. Constable (Ayah) Female only: 05
5. Constable (Carpenter): 03
6. Constable (Plumber): 01
7. Constable (Painter): 12
8. Constable (Tailor): 20
9. Constable (Cobbler): 20
10. Constable (Gardner): 09
11. Constable (Cook) Male: 232; Female: 26
12. Constable (Washerman) Male: 92; Female: 28
13. Constable (Barber) Male: 75; Female: 12
14. Constable (Safaiwala) Male: 89; Female: 28
15. Constable (Water Carrier) Male: 101; Female: 12
16. Constable (Waiter) Male: 01
Educational & Professional Qualification:
1. Constable (Driver) only for male:
i) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board.
ii) Must possess valid Heavy Vehicle Driving Licence.
2. Constable (Laboratory Assistant):
i) Matriculation with Science from a recognized Board or Institution.
ii) Should have certificate in Laboratory Assistant Course from an Institution recognized Central Government or State Government.
3. Constable (Veterinary):
Essential: Tenth or Matriculation Examination pass with Science as main subject from a recognized Board or University.
Desirable: One year experience in treatment of different species of animals, in a recognized Veterinary Hospital.
4. Constable (Ayah) for Female only:
i) Matriculation with science from a recognized Board or Institution.
ii) Possessing the first Aid Examination pass certificate from Red Cross Society or should be trained Dai.
iii) One-year experience in relevant field.
5. Constable (Carpenter, Plumber and Painter):
i) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board.
ii) Two years work experience in respective trade; or
iii) One year certificate course from a recognized Industrial Training Institute or Vocational Institute with at least one year experience in the respective trade; or
iv) Two years Diploma from a recognized Industrial Training Institute in the respective trade or similar trade; and
v) Must qualify trade test
6. Constables (Cook, Washerman, Safaiwala, Barber, Water Carrier, Waiter, Tailor, Gardner and Cobbler):
(a) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized board with:
(i) Two years work experience in respective trades; or
(ii) One year certificate course from a recognized Industrial Training Institute or Vocational Institute with at least one year experience in the trade or
(iii) Two years Diploma from recognized Industrial Training Institute in the trade or similar trade.
(b) Must qualify trade test. Multi-skilled candidates will be preference.
* Constable (Driver): 21 to 27 years.
* Constable (Lab Assistant, Veterinary, Ayah, Carpenter, Plumber & Painter): 18 to 25 years.
* Other Trades: 18 to 23 years.
Selection Process: SSB selection will be based on Written Test/ PST/ PET/ Interview.
Application Fee: Unreserved, EWS and OBC category candidates are required to pay Rs. 100/-(Rupees One hundred) only being fees (non- refundable) through net-banking/ credit card/ debit card/ Challan. However, SC/ ST/ Ex-servicemen & Female candidates are exempted from payment Of fees.
How to Apply: HOW TO APPLY:-Only online applications will be entertained for the above said posts. Applications received through any other mode shall not be accepted and rejected straightway. Interested/eligible candidates may download the detailed advertisement for above said posts from SSB recruitment website and may apply online through after going through all provisions contained in the detailed advertisement 1o ensure that he/she is eligible for the post for which he/she is applying for.
Last date of receipt Application: The closing date for receipt of applications will be 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment News except for the Remote Areas.
The last date for receipt of applications from Remote Areas (i.e. Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, Lahaul Spiti District and Pangi Sub- Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Union territory of Lakshadweep) will be 37 days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment News, but it will not affect the crucial date for determining the eligibility criteria.
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